


Toronto Bicycle Theft Prediction

This project was developed for both the police department and the “general public”. This ML based predictive service that based on certain features would provide a classification of either the bike is likely to be returned or not using web API (Flask).

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The Product Recommendation Engine suggests products to the customers based on their preference and similarity with the product they are currently viewing. This can be done on 2 fronts: 1) Text based product similarity and 2) Image based product similarity. The engine uses the algorithms like Bag-Of-Words, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF).

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FoodWall is online food recommendation and selling portal developed using PHP. It provides food recommendation according various parameters like comments, reviews, and taste. The portal has admin panel which is used to monitor and manage the activity. Restaurant registration, post updating, handling user and comments are the features of the portal.

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Desktop Vitual Assistant

I had created a virtual assistant using python which operates on voice command. It performs some basic tasks as it receive voice command like sending mail, playing music, open file and folders, telling date and time, reminders etc. I used python text to speech (pyttsx) module to develop the project.

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